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Stallion Finance provide small and medium sized businesses with a solution.

Home: Welcome


Stallion Finance are business finance specialists who provide small and medium sized businesses with commercial finance products from our portfolio of lenders that is not on offer from your high-street bank. 

We are a team of financial consultants with a wide range of experience in the finance industry and have a great understanding of your financial position. Our extensive commerical finance knowledge allows us to communicate with the lenders seamlessly about the options they can provide your business.


Stallion Finance are not authorised to, and does not, give investment, tax, legal or regulatory advice. No information contained within any of our communication constitutes advice, and should not be treated as such.

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Home: About Me


We package the information you provide us and introduce it to a lender we have a relationship with to enable a seamless application process. Avoiding the blindfolded application process with lenders direct, we ensure everything is all in order prior to application and work with lenders to enable the application to be successful and pay out as soon as possible. 

If you are interested in one of our products or would like to discuss options with us then make sure to contact us via our webform below. You can also book a free consultation with us to discuss your options and the best way to drive your business forward.

Men in a Meeting


For a standard commercial loan to help improve cashflow and working capital.

Office Consultation


For a wide range of purchase and refurbishment projects to bridge the gap in finance.

Contract Paper Signing


For purchasing, replacing or upgrading business assets with a sustainable approach.

Business Meeting


For businesses to increase working capital cash flow by having your unpaid invoices paid out before customer terms.

Data on a Touch Pad


For businesses to obtain secured mortgages on commercial property for a new office or operation.

Image by Carlos Muza


There may be a bespoke solution including the Recovery Loan Scheme which we can assess on a case by case basis and discuss the best approach.

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We are always looking to build relationships with new introducers, and we are happy to share commissions.

If your client needs a business funding solution to a financial problem, we can help.

It is not an easy task to find or access the right product for a business. We enjoy specialist knowledge of the sector and excellent relationships with our lenders, giving us access to specially tailored products which might not be available to you.

Home: About


Send us a quick message and see whether we help your business. Nothing ventured nothing gained. 

Contact us via the secure webform and one of our team will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, you can contact us via our social media below or direct via email.

Suite 19 Brambles Business Centre, Hussar Court, Westside View, Waterlooville, PO7 7SG.

Thanks for submitting. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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©2021-2024 by Stallion Finance Ltd

Registered in England & Wales under company number 13524227

at Suite 19 Brambles Business Centre, Hussar Court, Westside View, Waterlooville, PO7 7SG.

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